Relay For Life Logo University of Northern Iowa Relay For Life

University of Northern Iowa

Colleges Against Cancer Logo


*A Community Event to Fight Cancer*


April 13th and 14th, 2012
Friday and Saturday
6:00pm - 6:00am
McLeod Center
Need Directions? Click HERE

Create/Join a Team or Donate Online

Total Raised in Nine Years: $520,000
Goal for the 2012 Relay: $100,000!

Want to check out UNI's College Against Cancer's Youtube channal? Click HERE

Relay For Life is the American Cancer Society’s trademark fundraising event where teams of 8 to 15 people form to raise money and take turns walking around a track during the 12 hour event. Teams form from businesses, clubs, families, friends, hospitals, churches, schools, and service organizations with a common purpose to support the American Cancer Society in its fight to find a cure for this disease.

Relay For Life is symbolic of the cancer patient’s battle with cancer. As the sun sets with the first couple of hours, it symbolizes the end of what was thought to be a healthy life. The overcoming darkness throughout the night represents how scary the disease can seem and those that choose to stay show that this is not a battle that is fought alone. Then, with the sunrise comes a new day with hope and energy to work towards a cure and begin a new day.

Special events are the highlight of the Relay event. The Relay has three different ceremonies: Celebrate, Remember and Fight Back. During the Celebrate ceremony we have all of the survivors at our Relay take a "victory lap." During the Remember ceremony we have our luminaria ceremony. At this time participants light paper bags that they have decorated in honor or in memory of someone they know who has had cancer. This is to honor those currently battling cancer and also to remember our loved ones we've lost. Finally, our Fight Back ceremony is to encourage everyone to go out and be an advocate for cancer research and education. It is a time where we pledge as a group to fight back against cancer.

The Relay For Life of the University of Northern Iowa is one of the premiere college Relays. The Relay For Life of UNI has received the top fundraising school per capita for the last several years and has even been recognized as one of the top five relays in the nation a few years ago. Students from UNI head all of the Colleges Against Cancer/Relay For Life committees and our organization and event is growing! It's amazing that we have raised so much in just nine years!

Why should you join the Relay For Life of the University of Northern Iowa? Because it will be an emotional and inspiring experience that you will take pride in being a part of. It is a night of celebrating, fun, remembering those we've lost, and fighting back. It is a night of HOPE to find a cure for cancer.

Join us!! Keep the light of HOPE burning brightly here at the University of Northern Iowa!

Brady White
Co-President UNI’s Colleges Against Cancer
Relay For Life

Emily Droessler
Co-President UNI’s Colleges Against Cancer
Relay For Life

Amanda Robertson
Co-Vice-President UNI’s Colleges Against Cancer
Relay For Life

Danielle Bayer
Co-Vice-President UNI’s Colleges Against Cancer
Relay For Life

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All Rights Reserved.

Please report site problems to our online chair: Dakota Ingles